XLife City & O.N.E. City Club Members

Los Angeles

Invited Network Play Rate Chart


  • Up to two rounds per month (Play Rates & Cart Fees Apply)
  • Sunday Noon to Friday Noon availability with up to 7-day Advance Tee Times


  • Dining access to all participating local clubs

Los Angeles Invited Network
Braemar Country Club           

   City Club Los Angeles*
Porter Valley Country Club

*Local benefits are available to City Club Los Angeles Members only.
(A) Denotes Alliance Club
 Denotes Preferred Rates

*Some restrictions may apply. All rates are subject to increases and applicable taxes. Benefits are subject to the benefit terms and conditions, which may be found on https://www.invitedclubs.com/terms-and-conditions, and benefits may be amended, modified or discontinued by member's home club or Associate Clubs International at any time. All offers are subject to availability. Access restrictions may apply within local or neighboring markets. See Club for details. © Invited. All rights reserved.