Hole by Hole
This block can be used to display information about a golf course. It can only be added to the Golf Details page.
Episerver Required Blocks
- Hole by Hole - Collection of hole details.
- Hole Details - Display information about the golf course's individual holes.
Add To
Hole by Hole
- The golf details page
Hole Details
- Hole by Hole
Hole Tee
- Hole Details
Fields & Configurations
Hole by Hole
Property |
Configuration |
Validation |
Course name |
Add the name of the course, to be displayed as a heading at the top of the component. |
Required Maximum of 40 characters |
Course designer |
Optionally add a course designer. Displayed beneath the course name. |
Maximum of 40 characters |
Course designer company |
Optionally add a course designer company. Displayed after the course designer if given. |
Maximum of 40 characters |
Course description |
Add a course description to display as body copy beneath the course name and designer information. |
Maximum of 1000 characters |
CTA Button URL Destination |
Add an optional external link for a CTA. |
Must start with 'https://' |
CTA Button Label |
Add button text for the external CTA link. (ex: “Book a Tee Time”) |
Fairway type |
Choose an option from the dropdown. These values can be configured and edited on the Global Settings Page. |
Greens type |
Choose an option from the dropdown. These values can be configured and edited on the Global Settings Page. |
Roughs type |
Choose an option from the dropdown. These values can be configured and edited on the Global Settings Page. |
Overseeded during off season |
Check this box to display text confirming that the course is overseeded during the off-peak season |
Holes |
Add Hole Details block references. The holes will display in the order configured here, and the numbers that display for each hole will correspond to their order in this content area. |
Maximum of 25 Hole Details blocks |
Hole Details
Hole details section that can be added to a hole-by-hole course details block.
Property |
Configuration |
Validation |
Flyover Video URL |
Must start with 'https://' |
Cover Image |
Add an image content reference to display on the slide for this hole. |
Hole Name |
Add an optional value for the hole name. |
Hole Description |
Add a short description of the hole. |
Signature Hole? |
If checked, an indication that this is a signature hole will display next to the name and hole number. |
Par |
Add the hole’s par. Will display at the right side of the content. |
Required |
Women’s Handicap |
Optionally add the women’s handicap. Will display in the top right of the content beneath the par. |
Men’s Handicap |
Optionally add the men’s handicap. Will display in the top right of the content beneath the par. |
Professional Tee Yardage |
Optionally input a number from 0-1000 for the hole’s professional tee yardage. |
Championship Tee Yardage |
Optionally input a number from 0-1000 for the hole’s championship tee yardage. |
Member Tee Yardage |
Optionally input a number from 0-1000 for the hole’s member tee yardage. |
Senior Tee Yardage |
Optionally input a number from 0-1000 for the hole’s senior tee yardage. |
Forward Tee Yardage |
Optionally input a number from 0-1000 for the hole’s forward tee yardage. |
Slope |
Add the hole’s slope to the text input. |
Pro Tips |
Optionally add a set of “pro tips” to display at the bottom of the hole’s information panel as WYSIWYG content. |