In this section, we will cover page types and how to structure your site pages. Learn more about creating pages in Episerver here.
Site Structure Outline
An outline of how the pages should be organized follows:
- Root (This is not a page type, but the root node for all pages on the site.)
- Start Page
- Content pages...
- 404 Error Page
- Search Page (Find a Club)
- News List Page
- News Item Pages
- Club List Page
- Club Page
- 404 Error Page
- News List Page
- News Item Pages
- Events List Page
- Other pages...
- Club Page
- Global Settings Page
- Sitemap Configuration Page
- Start Page
Page Types
There are two general different types of pages: content pages and specialized pages.
Content Pages
Content pages should be used for general content, and do not have type-specific content or configuration properties. These pages will make up most of the content on the site.
Specialized Content Pages
Specialized content pages are pages that serve a specific purpose, and may have type-specific properties associated with them, like navigation configuration on a start page or club page, or properties like “title” and “image” specific to a news article page. Some specialized content pages may only be placed in certain positions in the page tree. (See the Page Hierarchy section heading below.)
404 Error
The 404 error page will display to the user when a URL is requested for which another matching page cannot be found.
Choose a value from the drop down for the page’s color values.
- Light
- Dark
- Color 1 - Light
- Color 1 - Dark
- Color 2 - Light
- Color 2 - Dark
Choose a large image content reference to display as the background for the page.
Enter a text value to display in a large font in the center of the page, below the sub-header.
Enter a text value to display in a large font at the top of the page.
Enter a text value to display in a large font in the center of the page.
Enter a text value into the text area to display in a regular font underneath the title.
Add up to 2 CTA block references to display underneath the body.
Enter a text value to display in a small font at the bottom of the page.
Benefits Finder
See also: Benefits Finder
Enter a text value to display in a large font at the top of the page.
Enter a text value to display beneath the Title at the top of the page.
Enter text into the textarea to display beneath the Title and Subtitle at the top of the page.
Login Link Text
Enter a text value for the text that should show on the link that will take users to an external site to login and view their benefits. This will appear in the top right of the search and filter bar on this page. The link itself is configurable as the login link on the Global Links tab of the Global Settings page.
Legal Text
Enter text into the textarea to display in a small font at the bottom of the search results.
No Results Title
Enter a text value to display in a large font at the top of the page if no results matching the applied filters are found.
No Results Subtitle
Enter a text value to display beneath the Title at the top of the page if no results matching the applied filters are found.
No Results Message
Enter text into the textarea to display beneath the Title and Subtitle at the top of the page if no results matching the applied filters are found.
Schedule Tee Time Link
Add a link to the page users will be taken to when they choose to schedule a tee time when viewing benefit details.
Benefit Inquiry Form Page
Add a page reference to the page that will be used for the Benefit Inquiry form.
No Events Message
Optionally configure a message to display if for some reason no events can be found.
Add any of the hero block types that are permitted for use in the hero content area of a page. The Featured Calendar Events Block was designed for use in this content area.
Club Page
The Club Page defines the home page for a club site. The navigation, footer, site mode, club search properties can all be found here. Club Pages can only be added under the Club List page.
Main Content Area
Add any of the non-hero block types that are permitted for use in the main content area of a page.
Use this section to control the navigation for the club site. See the section of this document on navigation configuration settings for more information.
Use this section to control the footer for the club site. See the section of this document on footer configuration settings for more information.
Use this section to add the associated code for Members First events on the events page, this club’s google analytics code, and the favicon for this site, as well as data related to the club’s benefits for Benefits Finder.
Use this section to control the alerts for the club site. See the section of this document on alert configuration settings for more information.
Add any of the hero block types that are permitted for use in the hero content area of a page.
Club Search Data
The data configured on this tab will be used to determine how this club appears in club search results on the search page. Some of this data (amenities, event types, primary address) will also be used in the automatically-generated meta description tags throughout the club site. See the section of this document on Club Search Settings for more information.
Golf Details
Golf Course Details Content Area
Add a Hole-by-Hole Course Details block reference. This is the only block type allowed in this content area.
Extras Gallery Widget Content Area
Add an Extras Gallery Widget block reference. This is the only block type allowed in this content area.
Add any of the hero block types that are permitted for use in the hero content area of a page.
Show Subnav?
If checked, the sub navigation will display beneath the hero on this page.
Show Siblings
If checked, the sub nabvigation will display siblings instead of children
Golf Digest
Main Content Area
Add Golf Digest Gallery block reference. this is the block where user add all the clubs which comes with an interacttive map.
fetures of the Golf Digest Gallery:- Serach Functionality by city, zip
- Map move back to original while user clik the clancel button in the search input.
- Scroll based functuonality based on location pin
Contact Us Area
Add an Extras Contact Form block reference. This is the only block type allowed in this content area.
fetures of the Contact Form:
- Scroll to membership form by CTA button click
- Populate the selected club name after click the CTA button
- After submission of the memberhsip form user gets a successful submission message.
Show Subnav?
If checked, the sub navigation will display beneath the hero on this page.
Show Siblings
If checked, the sub nabvigation will display siblings instead of children
News Article
The News Article Page type is a page type for news or blogs on the site. News Article Pages can only be added underneath News List Pages.
Article Title
Add an article title. This will appear at the top of the article, in search results, and where the page is listed on the parent news list page.
Cover Image
Add an optional image to show at the top of the new item page and on the news list page if the article is featured.
Add a short blurb to display on the news list page if the article is featured.
Article Content
Add a body to the article.
Article Sidebar Content
Optionally add content to display to the left of the article body. If this is left blank, the content on the Default Sidebar Content property of the parent news list page will appear.
News List
The News List Page type is the parent page for any news or blogs added to the site. This can be used at the corporate level and for each club. Images for articles are configured using the Image property on the article.
Enter a text value to display in a large font at the top of the page.
Header Subtitle
Enter a text value to display at the top of the page underneath the header text.
Header Image
Optionally add an image content reference to display at the header of the page.
Featured Content Area
Add up to 2 article references to display in a specialized format underneath the page header.
Default Sidebar Content
If text is added here, it will display in a left sidebar on all news item pages added underneath this page. The text can also be overridden by any individual news item page.
Our Team
Enter a text value to display in a large font at the top of the page.
Header Subtitle
Enter a text value to display at the top of the page underneath the header text.
Header Image
Optionally add an image content reference to display at the header of the page.
Content Area
Add team member block references. This is the only block type allowed in this content area.
The search page can be placed under the start page to allow users to search for a club. The search function uses the Club Pages and the properties configured on the Club Search Data tab of that page type to facilitate the search. Users can search by any term, club name, address, their current location, club amenities, event types, and club type.
Start Page
The start page is the home page for the corporate site. It is used to define the navigation and footer for the corporate site. All publicly visible pages will be placed under the start page.
Main Content Area
Add any of the non-hero block types that are permitted for use in the main content area of a page.
Use this section to control the navigation for the corporate site. See the section of this document on navigation configuration settings for more information.
Use this section to control the footer for the corporate site. See the section of this document on footer configuration settings for more information.
Use this section to control the alerts for the corporate site. See the section of this document on alert configuration settings for more information.
Add any of the hero block types that are permitted for use in the hero content area of a page, or the Find A Club Hero, which can only be added to this content area.
Schema Markup
These properties are used when generating schema markup (used for SEO purposes) on the homepage of the site. See the section of this document on SEO configuration for more information.
Page Hierarchy
There are several types of pages, many of which must be placed in certain locations for the site to work as intended.
- The Start Page must be placed at the root of the site. All other publicly visible pages must be placed under the Start Page.
- The Global Settings Page must be placed at the root of the site, on the same level as the Start Page.
- The Sitemap Configuration Page must be placed at the root of the site, on the same level as the Start Page.
- Club Home pages can only be placed under the Club List page type.
- News Item Pages can only be placed under a News List Page.
- Every club should have its own 404 Error Page configured as a child of the Club Home page.
- There should be a 404 Error Page configured under the Start Page. This page must have a URL path of page-not-found.
- The Search Page should be configured under the Start Page.