Colors & Fonts
Club sites and the corporate sites can be individualized by choosing appropriate color and font schemes for each on a case-by-case basis. The following section covers which configurations are available.
Color Schemes
Color schemes can be chosen for all sites.
- ClubCorp Blue
- Blue 1
- Green 1
- Green 2
- Red 1
- Gold 1
- Mulberry 1
- Green 3
- Red 2
- Orange 1
- Red + Blue
- Orange + Mulberry
Site Mode
Site modes can be chosen for all sites on the Navigation tab of the site home page or the club home pages. Site modes primarily affect the navigation and footer, determining which color to highlight from the chosen color scheme. Aside from the navigation, they also affect the site’s 404 error page and modals.
- Light Mode
- Dark Mode
- Bold Mode
- Muted Mode
Font Stacks
- Font stack 1 - Sans Serif
- Font Stack 2 - Serif
- Font Stack 3 - Dynamic (Sans Serif + Serif)
- Font Stack 4 - Dynamic (Serif + Sans Serif)