
In general, there are two ways to add a form to a page in EpiServer. One is using the Contact Form block type (see below). The other is by adding a stand-alone form container to a page.

If you are not familiar with creating a form in EpiServer, learn more about forms in EpiServer, including what a form container is, and how to add elements to forms here.

Contact Form Block

The Contact Form block is a block type with the ability to add different form containers for General Question, Membership Inquiry, Golf Outings (or Tournaments), Weddings, and Private Events. Adding a form container to the corresponding content area on this block will add that type of form as an option to the user once the block has been published. 

The Membership Inquiry, Golf Outings, Weddings, and Private Events forms are automatically integrated with Pardot through hidden fields. To use a hidden field, the default value for the field must match the field name, which comes from the Name property of the field in EpiServer. The hidden fields with parameters that connect to Pardot are outlined in the tables below. To submit the form to Pardot, a Webhook URL should be added. (See Episerver's documentation for more info here.)

Membership Inquiry Form

Property name / query parameter Default Value (if no query parameter is provided) Notes


Will be automatically determined by which club the form is used for, or which site it is on. This comes from the Entity Code field on the Club tab of the Club home page. Cannot be overriden using query parameters.



Can be overriden using a query parameter.



Can be overriden using a query parameter.



Can be overriden using a query parameter.



Can be overriden using a query parameter.


Golf Outings, Private Events, Weddings

Property name / query parameter Default Value (if no query parameter is provided) Notes
Interaction_Code {IC_Campaign_Source} |{IC_Inquiry_Type}| "Inquiry" This value will be generated based on the query parameter values for IC_Campaign_Source and IC_Inquiry_Type provided. If none are provided, they will default to the values below.
Entity_Code 01119 Will be automatically determined by which club the form is used for, or which site it is on. This comes from the Entity Code field on the Club tab of the Club home page. If a Private Events code is provided, that value will instead be used for the Private Events form. Cannot be overriden using query parameters.
IC_Campaign_Source Website This is NOT a field on the form, but is available to use as a query parameter that will be placed into the Interaction_Code value.
IC_Inquiry_Type Tournament, Wedding, PrivateEvent This is NOT a field on the form, but is determined by which form the user has chosen from the drop-down.

Contact Us Form

See an example of the Contact Us form block below.

General Contact

Form Test


Form Test


Form Test


Form Test


Stand-alone forms

Stand-alone forms

It may also be necessary to add other forms to EpiServer which do not feed into Pardot, and which are not located on the "Contact Us" block. In these instances, a CMS user can add a form container directly to the main content area on a page. Note that the automatic update of the hidden Pardot fields will not apply in these cases so any hidden fields that may be added should be treated as normal hidden fields.

Custom Feed Lists

Creating Your Custom List

1. Navigate to the Global Settings page. The page can be found within Episerver under Root > Settings.

2. Select the Custom Feed Lists tab.

3. Create a new block.

4. Select the clubs you would like to include in the list.

5. Publish the changes.

The order of the club list blocks determines which Custom Feed List number will be selected for the form. The top most block will be "Custom Feed List 1" with each block below it incrementing by 1. The maximum allowed blocks is 10. Please make sure to note the position of your block and refrain from shuffling the blocks as it will alter the currently used lists. 

Your new list has been created. Next, you will need to select the new list within your desired form.

Use Your Custom List

1. Navigate to your desired form page.

2. Edit the form you would like to use your custom list in.

3. Add/Edit the selector element in the form

4. Navigate to the "Choices" option and then click the dropdown

5. Select the "Custom Feed List" that corresponds to your list within the Global Settings page. 

6. Publish the page and verify your list by going to the form and revieweing the club list in the selector element.

If your list does not appear correct, please make sure that you have selected the correct Custom Feed List number that corresponds to the club list you created in Global Settings.

Custom Webhook URLs

Club Specific Webhook URLs

Webhook URLs are used for routing forms to different locations when submitted. Once a club is assigned a webhook URL, they can route all their forms to it so that they only see the forms for their club.

Setting up the Club Specific Webhook URLs:

1. Navigate to the club page of the desired club.

2. Select the Webhook URLs tab.

3. Selecting the check box will enable the use of the entered webhooks.

    a. If you do select the check box, you will need to change the current webhooks within the clubs forms to a non-working URL or a "dummy" URL.  (ex. This is for all form types. If this step is missed, duplicate forms submissions will occurr. Due to a limitation with Episerver, If the webhook within the form is left blank, the submission process will not trigger and the form will not be submitted.

    b. If you want to use a form specific webhook for the club, you will need to uncheck the box and then add the webhooks to each of the forms that the club uses.

4. Each webhook field is a different form type selection.

5. If you only have a single webhook for the club forms, you will simply add the same URL to all the webhook fields.

As we are using a shared form which will be using the "dummy" hook, any club that uses the shared form will need to have club specific webhooks enabled in order for routing to work correctly. Again, the fields may be left blank in order to utilize the global default webhooks.

**Please make sure that the default webhook property within the form itself is changed to a non working webhook URL(ex. as we are wanting to use the custom webhooks instead. Leaving a working webhook in the form URL will caused duplicate submissions and leaving it blank will cause the form submission to fail.**


Global Default Webhook URL

The global default webhook is the main/fall back webhook for clubs. If you have selected to use club specific webhooks for your club and you leave the webhook fields empty/blank, it will automatically default to the global default webhooks. 

Setting up the Global Default Webhooks

1. Navigate to Settings page. The pages can be found within Episerver under Root > Settings >Global Default Webhook URL tab .

2. Select the check box to enable the global default URLs. 

3. Add the webhook URL that you would like to use. This webhook will be used for any pages and forms that do not have a club specific webhook.

    a. As we are using a shared form which will be using the "dummy" hook, any club that uses the shared form will need to have club specific webhooks enabled in order to make use of the global default webhooks.

4. This field should only be set once with the webhook URL as changing this will affect all clubs that are using it.

This is a fall back webhook that will be used so that no submitted forms will be missed.